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NRW Health Point

Stadttor 1, Düsseldorf, Alemania

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¿Qué es la cardiología?

La cardiología es la rama de la ciencia que examina las enfermedades relacionadas con el corazón y el sistema circulatorio. Cardiología, que era una sub-rama del departamento de medicina interna, ahora es un departamento separado. Un médico con formación médica obtiene el título de cardiólogo al realizar su especialidad en cardiología. Las personas que presentan síntomas como fatiga, cianosis, palpitaciones, desmayos, micción nocturna, edema, dificultad para respirar, dolor de pecho son tratadas en el departamento de cardiología. La función principal del corazón es bombear sangre por todo el cuerpo. Si el corazón no puede bombear suficiente sangre que el cuerpo necesita por diversas razones, se produce una insuficiencia cardíaca. Cardiología Ideal con muchas enfermedades como insuficiencia auditiva, hipertensión, cardiopatías isquémicas, enfermedad arterial coronaria aterosclerótica y síndrome coronario agudo.

Treatment In Germany

Germany is a popular destination for health tourism, offering a wide range of medical treatments and procedures to international patients. The country is known for its high-quality healthcare system, skilled medical professionals, and state-of-the-art technology.

One of the most popular areas of health tourism in Germany is orthopedics. The country has a reputation for excellence in joint replacement surgery and spinal surgery, and many patients come to Germany to receive these treatments. Other popular areas of health tourism in Germany include cardiology, oncology, and neurology.

Germany is also known for its alternative and complementary medicine treatments, such as acupuncture, homeopathy, and naturopathy. Many international patients come to Germany to receive these treatments, as they are often not available in their home countries.

In addition to its medical treatments, Germany also offers a wide range of spa and wellness facilities. These facilities offer a variety of treatments, such as massages, hydrotherapy, and beauty treatments, to help patients relax and recuperate after their medical treatments.